ATDps: February 2025 Virtual Member Event
The Winds of Change
The research is clear: these days our society, employees, and organizations are experiencing extraordinary levels of rapid cultural change and turmoil. By 2030 Millennials and Gen-Z’s will comprise nearly 2/3rds of the global workforce - already the most diverse in history and so intensely focused on their SME (subject matter expert) skills and jobs that they’re ill-prepared to lead others effectively. Boomers are retiring in record numbers, and VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) business disruptions are no longer happening occasionally; they’re almost constant.
When managers and employees are being buffeted by these high intensity winds of change, they are more likely to take their stress out on each other, which undermines psychological safety, creates toxic work environments, and spurs resignations. (Recent MIT/Sloan School of Management research indicates that an employee is ten times more likely to quit due to a toxic work environment than poor compensation.)
As Learning and Development leaders, we are uniquely positioned to make a powerful, positive difference in helping our managers and employees navigate these challenging changes successfully by creating Actively Respectful Cultures (ARCTMs) within our organizations.
Key Takeaways:
- How respect and disrespect are as much about feelings as they are rational, cognitive thought.
- How a respectful work environment is no longer a nice-to-have, but a vital business imperative driving key performance indicators in productivity, partnership and retention.
- The four primary stages of an ARC, how to “gauge your stage,” and progress forward effectively and efficiently
Our guest:
Gregg Ward is the Founder and Executive Director of The Center for Respectful Leadership, who started his career as specialist trainer for the New York City Police Department. Gregg also worked as a correspondent for BBC Radio, Scotland on Sunday, and the Times of London. More recently Gregg is the author three books including the bestselling, award-winning business fable (The Respectful Leader – Wiley 2016) and the creator of the Coaching for RespectTM mediation process. Gregg is now in his 30th year serving global companies as an expert consultant, speaker, trainer, and executive coach. He is based in San Diego, CA.
Connect with Gregg: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greggward/

Change Management
Pre-Registration - Members attend at no charge. There is no walk in availability. Pre-registration is mandatory.
Pre-Registration - Non-Member $20.00. There is no walk in availability. Pre-registration is mandatory.
We are not able to issue refunds after the Friday prior to the meeting. Substitutions are encouraged.
Special Instructions:
Instructions to attend the virtual meeting will be included in your confirmation email and on the reminder email the day prior to the program. Please save these instructions. Real time assistance is not usually available.