ATDps: August 2022 Virtual Member Event
In our business world, the most commonly used presentation software is PowerPoint. It's how we communicate everything from big ideas to granular details. Whether you are an Instructional Designer, Sales leader, Executive, or beyond, it is very important that you create presentations that provide the most impact to your audience.
Many people have been creating PowerPoint presentations for years and feel comfortable using the tool. They might even consider themselves experts in its use. Yet a lot of these same people are unknowingly creating “Death by PowerPoint” by not understanding the basic principles behind effective and engaging slide design. Come to this session to see how you can make simple design adjustments to improve your slides and create visuals that support your message, instead of detracting from it.
During the workshop Cindy will show “before-and-after” slide designs based upon slides that you will submit beforehand. She will also provide advice on how to tweak your presentations for maximum impact. Submit any one slide of a current presentation by Monday Aug. 8th. Please note that we may not have time to get to all slides submitted.
Following this session, you will be better prepared to apply basic design principles when creating presentations, thereby creating a more lasting impact on your audience. Though this session does focus on design using PowerPoint, the principles discussed apply to any presentation software.
Cindy Tingley, CPS, has been designing presentations for more than 20 years and was one of the first people to successfully earn the title of Certified Presentation Specialist (CPS) - PowerPoint through the Presentation Guild, where she is currently serving as Events Director. Her passion for creating clean, sophisticated, and engaging presentations shows through in each of her custom designs. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and showing others that you don't need a formal graphic design background to create an effective, engaging slide deck!
Website (some presentation examples are here also):
Presentation Guild:
Upcoming webinar on Training Magazine Network - 5 PowerPoint Myths Busted! :
Puget Sound Chapter Programs have been pre-approved by the ATD Certification Institute for continuing education credits towards professional development hours for recertification of the Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD) and Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD) credentials.

Learning Sciences, Instructional Design, Training Delivery & Facilitation, Technology Application, Communication, Cultural Awareness & Inclusion, Lifelong Learning, Data & Analytics
Pre-Registration - Members attend at no charge. There is no walk in availability. Pre-registration is mandatory.
Pre-Registration - Non-Member $20.00. There is no walk in availability. Pre-registration is mandatory.
Online Registration Closes One Day Prior To The Program. At That Time We Are No Longer Able To Accept Pre-Registrations.
We are not able to issue refunds after the Friday prior to the meeting. Substitutions are encouraged.
Special Instructions:
Instructions to attend the virtual meeting will be included in your confirmation email and on the reminder email the day prior to the program. Please save these instructions. Real time assistance is not available.