ASTDps: December 2011 Chapter Meeting
• Please note the location and time of this meeting •
A Professional Networking Mega-Mixer:
Putting the “social” back into networking
Connect, interact and grow at this collaborative learning and networking event. Enjoy a social evening with other learning and HR professionals with food, beverages, many career building interaction opportunities and a take-away bonus of practical tips on social media networking.
This is a great opportunity for Workplace Learning & Performance professional, HR and other business professionals in the Pacific Northwest to create and build collaborative relationships that expand your professional network. A MUST attend for all of us needing to effectively build and maintain collaborative learning environments and relations in today’s millennial-driven work world.
Are you creating a networking ‘groundswell’?
“Groundswell: A social trend in which people use technologies to get the things they need from each other…”
This event, driven by large group interaction and small group dialogues on topics identified by participants, will:
- Explore how to use informal learning and social media tools to expand your professional career network
- Collaboratively build your social media skills as a way of expanding your professional network.
- Enable you to practice (hands-on) using social media tools to create your own informal learning platform.
- Connect with personal career development links such as staffing agencies and educators in the WLP, HR and business fields in the Puget Sound area.
- Share and celebrate the accomplishments of this past year with leaders from ASTD Puget Sound and other Partner organizations who will be present.
The special chapter meeting will be hosted by Gordon Storey, President & Sherry Johnson Metz, VP Professional Development of the ASTD Puget Sound chapter.
Bring your smart phones, tablets, laptops (anything portable with connectivity to the internet). Join the backchannel conversations during this event.
Space is limited so sign up early – Register Now. Special fees for partner association members.
The registration fee this evening will include light appetizers and refreshments and a chance to win some cool learning-related door prizes.
+ + Make this a truly collaborative event for those experiencing difficult times. All MegaMixer participants donating a canned good at the door will receive an additional door prize ticket!
This event focuses on the ASTD Foundation Competency:
Networking and Partnering
About the Presenters:

Out going ASTDps President, Gordon Storey will be the facilitator this month.

Sherry Johnson Metz, VP of Professional Development will also be hosting this month.
The Community Center at Mercer View
8236 SE 24th St
Mercer Island, WA 98040
5:30 - 6:00 p.m. Registration, check-in, networking
6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Presentation
7:30 - 8:00 p.m. Networking
ASTD Phone: 206-224-6644
All other chapter meetings will remain 7:30-9:30 a.m. at the 2100 Building, 2100 24th Ave, Seattle. 98144
Online registration closes on the Saturday prior to the chapter meeting. At that time we are no longer able to accept pre-registrations.
Please note that once the online registration is closed, we encourage and welcome you to attend and pay at the door.
The meeting fees at the door are: Members - $25, Non Members $35.
A big thank you to our sponsors: