Olympia Area Interest Group Conversation Focused Topic Area: Networking
Olympia Area Interest Group
Conversation Focused Topic Area: Networking
Adapability Personal Development
TD Area of Expertise: Personal Skills
Summary: Meet people in the fields of training, coaching, performance improvement, human resources, leadership development, and organizational development. Join us monthly in Olympia to network, exchange ideas, resources, leads, and enjoy good company! We’ll rotate each month with a purely networking session or have a guest speaker that includes a brief networking session. Check the ATDps Event Calendar to see what the monthly session format will be. We welcome anyone and everyone who may be interested -- from the seasoned veterans to those just getting into the field of training and development.
When: The 2nd Thursday of each month, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM, Except December
Where: Pizzeria La Gitana - Olympia, 518 Capitol Way S, Olympia
Contact: Joanne Lee joanneey@gmail.com
ATD Puget Sound ChapterP.O. Box 46573 Seattle, WA 98146 ©-2024
Email: contact.us@atdpugetsound.org
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