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Our mission is to empower professionals to develop knowledge & skills successfully.



ATDps South Puget Sound Interest Group Meeting

  • November 03, 2015
  • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM (PST)
  • Invista Performance Solutions Offices at Clover Park Technical College, 4500 Steilacoom Blvd SW, Lakewood, WA 98499, Building 19, Suite 207


Registration is closed

 South Puget Sound Special Interest Group (SIG)


This month's discussion topic

Coaching - Apply a systematic process to improve others’ ability to set goals, take action, and maximize strengths.


ABOUT: The Sound South Interest Group is provides an opportunity for talent development and learning professionals who live or work the South Puget Sound area to network, learn and share with each other. 

WHO ATTENDS: Anyone with a passion for talent and learning development are welcome to attend.  We encourage attendees to join the ATD Puget Sound Chapter and participate in chapter events.

AREAS OF EXPERTISE: In addition to networking and sharing, each meeting focuses on an ATD Area of Expertise and is aligned with the Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP) Certification Program.  Meetings may be eligible for CPLP Recertification Credits.

FACILITATING: The meeting facilitator will be rotated among group members.  The facilitator will guide the meeting and coordinate the presentation of the area of expertise.  If you are interested in facilitating a monthly meeting, please contact Brent Kobayashi ( or Marie Tjernlund (


We would like to say: Thank you to Don Sosnowski and Steven Kovacs for providing the meeting space!





Going South on I5 from Tacoma

Take Tacoma Mall Blvd Exit 129 and keep left at fork 

Right on 84th St. S

Left on S Tacoma Way

Right on Steilacoom Blvd SW

Left onto Hageness Dr. SW

Building 19 is on your left

Going North on I5 from Olympia

Take Bridgeport Way SW Exit 125

Left onto Bridgeport Way SW

Right on Lakewood Dr. SW

Right onto Steilacoom Blvd SW

Right onto Hageness Dr. SW

Building 19 is on your left





ATD Puget Sound Chapter
P.O. Box 46573
Seattle, WA 98146



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