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Our mission is to empower professionals to develop knowledge & skills successfully.



ATDps - Networking Interest Group

  • March 25, 2015
  • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Eastside Bar and Grill (downstairs) in the Coast Bellevue Hotel


Registration is closed

You are invited to attend the ATD Puget Sound Chapter's  Networking Interest Group!  Feel free to invite others who may enjoy this group – that is the point of the group!  We are meeting between 5:00-7:00 pm on Wednesday  March 28, 2015, in Bellevue.

Connect with trainers and coaches, consultants and managers, those in other exciting jobs and those in career transition. Share ideas and resources, exchange leads, build relationships and above all, enjoy good company!

We meet at the Eastside Bar and Grill (downstairs) in the Coast Bellevue Hotel between 5:00-7:00 pm.  Arrive and leave as fits your schedule, this is informal. No pre-registration is necessary for the PDN. You are responsible for your own food and drinks (coffee or herbal tea, diet soda or draft beer, wine or martini . . .) Keep in mind, ASTDps recommends to NOT drink and drive.

If you have any questions, please contact Lynne Lazaroff or Jayant Swamy.  We look forward for others to volunteer with us as facilitators at future sessions.  As always, suggestions on the format, topics and alternative locations are welcome.

Upcoming gatherings: Every 4th Wednesday except November and December or if it conflicts with a holiday. 





ATD Puget Sound Chapter
P.O. Box 46573
Seattle, WA 98146



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