ASTDps: September 2014 Chapter Meeting
Leadership in L&D
Please note: our maximum capacity has been reached. We may not be able to accept walk ins due the popularity of this event. Please contact us for additional information:
Please note that this is an evening meeting at 10 Degrees - 1312 East Union Street, 98122

“I think to be a great quarterback, you have to have great leadership, great attention to detail, and a relentless competitive nature. And that’s what I try to bring to the table, and I have a long way to go. I’m still learning, and I’m still on a constant quest for knowledge.” – Russell Wilson
What does it mean to be a leader in the Learning and Development industry? What have you done recently to advance your personal leadership skills? What opportunities are available to you in order to gain valuable leadership skills?
Please join us for an interesting and engaging learning event. You will have the opportunity to
• Collaborate with fellow L&D professionals.
• Discuss within small groups the traits of effective leaders, the challenges of leadership and the value of taking on leadership challenges.
In addition, a moderated panel of L&D leaders will share their candid experiences and answer questions on best practices (both tactical and strategic) for leadership success.
5:30 PM – Doors open with drinks and hors d’oeuvres
6:15 PM – Conversation Café with Learning Leaders
7:00 PM – Moderated Panel Discussion
7:30 PM – End
Parking Options
1410 14th Avenue (next to the Cloe Apartments)
the Citizen Apartment building on 13th, between E. Pike and E. Madison St. (closest address is: 1222 E. Madison Street, but the parking is on 13th)
1408 12th Avenue (public parking)
There is no charge for this meeting, however we would greatly appreciate it if you could "RSVP" for headcount purposes.