This webcast, which I alerted you to a few weeks ago, is now rescheduled for Tuesday morning (Pacific Time) of next week. The OECD and the prestigious Washington, D.C.-based “think tank”, the Center for American Progress, are sponsoring the presentation.
Panels of top experts will review the U.S. results from the recent cross-national survey of adult skill conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OEDC). (I reported some of the dismal U.S. results to you back on October 9th.) More importantly, the panelists will debate the implications of the results for American society and needed policy responses by all levels of government and private enterprise. Among the experts are:
Allyson Knox, Director for Education Policy and Programs, U.S. Government Affairs, Microsoft
Brenda Dann-Messier, Department of Education, Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education
Harry Holzer, Professor of Public Policy, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University
Whitney Smith, Employment Program Director, Joyce Foundation
I urge you to make a special effort to carve out time next week to watch this important webcast. To join the webcast, go to
at the scheduled time and look for and then click the link to the event.
William “Bud” Wurtz, PhD
ASTDps Manager of Public Resources Information