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Our mission is to empower professionals to develop knowledge & skills successfully.




June 26, 2013 2:01 PM | Anonymous
A while back I posted survey research from Accenture that showed 1) CEOs globally overwhelming (93 percent) agree with the proposition that “the long-term success of their organization’s business strategy depends on their ability to innovate”. Yet “fewer than one in five chief executives believes his strategic investments in innovation are paying off, and that this poor track record is starting to discourage companies from taking risks".

My first point was, and is, that innovation is crucial to the future -- of the planet, our country, our Puget Sound region, to most of the organizations we work for, to the WLP profession, and to those of us who really want to make a difference by tackling the most important organizational learning challenge of our time. My second point is that very few people have any real idea of how to make innovation a routine aspect of work. Thus, many people are out there on the "bleeding edge" of change trying to make innovation happen without much success.

You can help change that. The TEDOC Innovation course begin in a few weeks. You will learn from a global thought leader that innovation can be made manageable and, to some degree, a routine work process. In the process, you will do your career and the organizations you serve a world of good by learning these vital skills.

Visit the Chapter website to find out more.


ATD Puget Sound Chapter
P.O. Box 46573
Seattle, WA 98146



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